0 thoughts on “Images tagged "alpine-white"

  1. Brian Micklich

    Your kits indicate that instructions are included. Do your instructions show how to use the orbital sander on a curved sink? Is it safe to assume I would need to purchase the padded disc to assist with the curved areas?

  2. Scott

    I’m interested in sanding my corianders counter tops to remove scratches and restore the gloss finish. When sanding the counter top do you dry sand or do you spray the counter top with water before you start sanding?

  3. Brad Holland

    I have a 4 year old corona sink which has developed tiny cracks surrounding the drain. They almost disappear after cleaning but soon come back. Would sanding solve the problem?

  4. Renee cottrell

    A bleach bottle has left a ring on the kitchen counter which has dulled the finish. How can this be resolved?

  5. Jason

    I would like more information. My existing show in our master bedroom is 8ft long x 7ft wide x 10ft high. The existing tile does wrap the entire shower to the 10ft ceiling. Also we have a bench in the shower. I am a DIY guy and would like to further this discussion prior to ordering the material.

  6. Michelle

    My Corian counter at work was damaged by a disinfectant wipes container that pooled at the bottom of the container . There is now a rough ring on the counter where the container sat. How can I fix this ? Thank you

  7. Paul Ellingsen

    About ten years ago, Lowe’s sold and installed a Corian kitchen countertop with a white “built in” underhung sink. The countertop has been great and the seamless connection with the sink avoids crevices which are hard to keep clean.

    We understand using diluted bleach to remove food-related stains from the sink, and that works pretty well. Lately though, the sink seems to stain more quickly than it used to, as if it had developed some porosity. A little bit of coffee that’s not poured straight into the drain or a dish that has some sauce or gravy on it’s underside is enough to leave discoloration after brief contact. This seems odd if there is no porosity, and we’re wondering if there’s something similar to a grout sealant that would be helpful.

  8. Kathrine I Norton

    Cpuntertop Magic is evidently not being produced any longer. Is there anything else that you would recommend to shine solid counter tops?
    Thank you

  9. Mike Warras

    We just built a house and are looking for window sills. 5″. 33″ to 60 ” not to fussy on the color. Natural ish do you have anything like this ?

  10. Jim Kusz

    I have no idea if you are still in business but I want to ask a question. Our corian shower is great but the shower pan over 14 years has gone from white to dirty gray. I’ve tried a lot of things but none seem to work. Is there a remedy that has worked for you? Thanks

  11. Dan

    I have a Corian with overflow. Is there a special drainpipe I need to use? The ones that come with my facet end up with the stopper not reaching the pivot hold where I can pop up the stopper. The stopper ends up being too short.

  12. Luke Smith

    It’s nice that you mentioned how solid surface has a nonporous and hygienic property that makes it a perfect countertop choice for water prone areas like kitchens and bathrooms. I went to the hospital the other day to visit a friend and I remember seeing a shower room that looked different from the usual. I heard it was a solid surface shower and it seems quite interesting.

  13. Chris Bramlage

    Can I get a dimensioned drawing with measurements on your bullnose so that when I order I will be confident on fit?

  14. Lil

    Hi: We’re looking at Image “C” as this is exactly what we have in our 2 baths & kitchen. Can you advise if the kitchen sink can be painted over as food stains are impossible to remove. ????
    Thanks, Gary & Lil …

  15. Bennet

    What are the differences between solid surface glacier white, artic white, and designer white?

    Which is the best white color?

  16. Bill Darlington

    I am looking for a piece of solid surface I could cut into a 8” diameter disc for use in a wood turning. I would like a “granite/grey” color.

  17. Chris

    I am a residential contractor looking to start installing solid surface showers in my homes where Can I purchase solid surface wall panels?

  18. Pingback: How to Clean Acrylic Countertops: Get Crystal-Clear Surfaces – Cleanyourstuff

  19. christina medrano

    I would like to make my vanity top out of the WHIMSY Series from the Chromatix. I live in New Mexico, and don’t know where I can locate this. We have Aristech near by, but can’t seem to find a distributor. We live south of Albuquerque, any help would be appreciated.
