A rendering of the UCSD Corian Headwall by Cannon Design. Image source PRWeb.com
Seeking new ways to create an optimum healing environment, Modular Services Company and Shield Casework recently teamed up with CannonDesign’s Yazdani Studio to create a cutting edge patient headwall design for the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Medical Center that is as visually appealing as it is functional.

UCSD Corian Headwall, by Cannon Design. Image source PRWeb.com

Medical Controls in the UCSD Corian Headwall, by Cannon Design. Image source PRWeb.com
Tapping into the latest design research, the team devised a way to seamlessly integrate needed technology, such as medical gases, electrical devices, nurse call buttons, recessed lighting and HVAC controls, into a single, innovative solid surface headwall canopy. As you can see in the image below, the thermoformed solid surface material created a flowing design that naturally softens the medical space, while still allowing for the central high-tech core to do its life-saving work.
Unlike typical medical headwall materials, using solid surface enables designers to build a unit that allows both patients and medical staff easy access to, and control of, all of its components while also providing a seamless, non-porous surface that is easy to clean and sanitize. The award winning design even used the nonporous solid surface material to create custom outlet covers, making the entire surface completely seamless and thus more resistant to pathogens.
The Modular-Shield-Cannon team is set to deliver 242 headwalls for UCSD’s Jacobs Medical Center in 2014. Clearly, as the visual, structural and functional benefits of using solid surface material continue to prove out you can expect more and more state-of-the-art scientific and medical facilities like UCSD to incorporate Corian® and other solid surface materials, such as Mystera, LG HI-MACS, Samsung Staron, and other popular brands, into their designs.
For value engineering large solid surface projects, SolidSurface.com offers a wide assortment of high-quality, low-price, discontinued and overstock material in varying quantities and sizes. Contact SolidSurface.com to allow their team of experts to help find the right material for your project.
Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/UCSD-Headwall/IDEA-finalist/prweb11735414.htm